Sunday, January 10, 2010



i was talkn with one of my super close friends from college today listening to her tell me about how awful her BFFs trip out to Georgia was. Theyve been friends since high school & it seems like theyve outgrown each other. nowadays its so hard to find genuine people so to lose an old friend is tragic to me.

what happens in between the time we used to laugh late night on the phone to barely keeping in touch? some of us choose a different kind of crowd to hang with while others chose a completely different life to live. either way eventually the things that bonded you 2 together you find is  breaking away at the seams.

with all the fake people in the world u end up opening yourself up to people that in different circumstances u would have never given the time of day. from there youve built faulty friendships that always end quickly—& usually messy. in the past 3 years ive experienced 2 of these pseudo-friendships & thats why i honestly & truly do my very best to keep in touch with the friends that i know value my friendship as i do theirs.

ive lost so much dealing with bullshit ass bitches. to avoid this, here i am with only a handful of REAL friends and a plethora of acquaintances. i can literally count on 1 hand how many people know the real me & im fine with that.

im starting to think real people have become extinct.

what ya’ll think?



MissCiara said...

I miss her.

♥--| kHRiS |--♥ said...

me too. u should call her. u know i always tell u that...