Saturday, January 23, 2010



sorry i havent been updating as quickly as i have been ya’ll.

on thursday, i went to the early premiere of  Tyrese’s new  movie “Legion”.  It was a REALLY REALLY good movie—if you havent seen it yet. Let me know if u have & what u thought.

on friday, i went to Disney On Ice with my grandmother. Kaylen isnt old enough [he’s 8 months] so i went with my grandmother instead. dont laugh neither…LOL. cuz i know what ya’ll gon say. when i was little, she used to take us EVERY YEAR. i thought it would be a nice gesture to pay her back finally. imma sentimental person OK?! Damn.

PLUS—im still fighting my cold. but no more excuses..i WILL be doing another post tonight.

….to hold u over, peep this HILARIOUS commercial i JUST saw on TV. this goes out to u Ms. Flat Booty!



Cook.ThePoet. said...

LOL wow @ that commercial

dope blog


♥--| kHRiS |--♥ said...

thanks love! i appreciate it.